
What will happen after weight loss surgery?

after-surgeryGastric bypass surgery alters sections of the small intestine and the stomach. The stomach is divided in to two sections, a small upper pouch, and much larger lower pouch, of which only the smaller pouch is used. The small intestine is then rearranged to connect to both sections, with all food travelling a shorter distance in to the intestine.

Gastric bypass is classified as major surgery, and it is good to get an understanding of what to expect post-surgery.


The first day after surgery a patient’s pain level should be around the moderate range. As they will be in the hospital, the IV will be in their arm and pain medication will be easy to administer, raising their level of comfort directly after surgery.

There is potential for a patient to feel nauseas from the anaesthesia, however, everyone reacts differently to surgery. If there are any issues or concerns, it is best that it is clearly communicated to the nurse or surgeon for them to address.


Straight after surgery a patient will generally not be allowed to consume anything. Some doctors may allow wet swabs to be used, others will let a patient suck on an ice cube. As the patient’s throat is going to be sore and swollen due to the ET tube, eating or drinking at this stage will only increase the level of discomfort already being experienced by a patient.

Once the patient has been discharged from the hospital, their doctor will prescribe a post-operation diet that will do two things;

1) Help the throat recover from the ET tube.

2) Help the body adjust to the reduction in size of the stomach and the new path to the intestines.


Depending on the surgeon, they may want their patient up and walking around. This can help reduce the effects that may result from the use of anaesthesia during surgery. While getting out of bed on the first day may prove to be difficult, the more a patient is out of bed and moving, the better they will feel the next day. It is similar to exercising a sore muscle.


The first day for any patient after a gastric bypass can be quite emotional. They have just gone through a life-changing process. Food has been a lifelong friend, companion and stress reliever. And while it may seem as though they have lost this part of their life, like all things associated with gastric bypass, it’s not lost, just changed. For the better.

It is advised that a patient have a family member around them at this point. They will be able to comfort and reassure the patient of their decision and the journey they are undergoing.

Choosing to have gastric bypass surgery is life changing, something the Life Weight Loss Centre understands. We pride ourselves on providing the best pre and post-surgery care to all patients. From their first consultation all the way through to post-surgery support, we ensure that your goals are achieved.

If you have any enquiries about our programs, or want to start the conversation on how to improve your life, feel free to contact us on 1300 668 259, or fill out our online enquiry form , and we will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

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