
Health Benefits of Dieting You Didn’t Know

When most of us embark on a diet, we do it for weight loss and for improved health, but dieting can have some other important benefits too.

Avoiding Saturated Fats

Cutting out saturated fats, such as the kind you find in most junk foods and in fatty meats, is one of the first steps to lowering excess weight. But, lowering these fats also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular heart disease and high blood cholesterol, which, in turn, helps reduce the risk a stroke.

Dieting Isn’t All About Restrictions

Including more fruits and vegetables in your diet will increase your fibre consumption too. More fibre in your diet will keep you fuller for longer and help keep your digestive system running smoothly. It’s literally a detox for your body – cleaning out the intestines and decreasing the risk of IBS and colorectal cancer, as well as lowering the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Eating More Yogurt

The natural, unsweetened yoghurt varieties are a dieter’s best friend. Not only do they taste delicious and add a satisfying creamy texture to foods (while being low in calories), but they’re also packed with prebiotics and probiotics, which help the good bacteria in the gut flourish. Yogurt and other dairy products also boost calcium, which lowers the risk of osteoporosis in women and bumps up protein intake too. What’s more, more protein in your diet keeps you feeling fuller for longer, making weight loss simpler.

Contact Life Weight Loss Centre on (02) 8999 8503 for more weight loss advice